Stand with your spine straight and arms relaxed by your side. Inhale deeply and begin.

Step 1:-  Pranamasana (Exhale)

Mantra :- Om Mitraya Namaha

Bring your palms together in prayer position.

Benefits:- Increase physical and mental balance and grows confidence. The inner consciousness is awakened.

Step 2:- Hastauttasana (Inhale)

Mantra: -Om Ravaye Namaha

Stretch your arms back over your head. Keep knees and elbows straight. Arch your hips forward.

Benefits:- It increases flexibility of the spine . The shoulder , chest and abdominal muscles become stronger.

Step 3:- Padhastasana (Exhale)

Mantra:- Om suryaya Namaha

Bend forward bringing your palms or fingers to the floor. Make sure your fingers and toes are in a straight line.

Benefits:- The muscles in the abdomen and back of the legs become stronger. It increases digestive power.

Step 4:-Ashwa Sanchalanasana ( Inhale)

Mantra :- Om Bhanave Namaha

Stretch your right leg back. Drop the right knee to the ground. Stretch up and back.

Benefits:- The chest become strong and curvy. it relieves constipation and indigestion. Prevent cervical spondylitis.

Step 5:-  Dandasana (Hold your breath)

mantra:- Om Khagay Namaha

Bring the left leg back. Bring your body in a straight line as if you are doing a push up.

Benefits:-  Strengthens the muscles of the back of the body. Eliminates constipation and stomach ailments.

Step 6:- Ashtang Namasakarasana (Exhale)

Mantra:- Om Pushne Namaha

Drop your knees to the ground. Keep the hips up and bring the knees, chest and chin onto the ground.

Benefits:- The arm  muscles , shoulder muscles and the lower part of the spine become stronger. Throat disease is eliminated.

Step 7:- Bhujangasana (Inhale)

Mantra:- Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha 

Slide up like a cobra. Arch your chest up and bring the head back.

Benefits:- The spine become stronger. It helps to eliminate thyroid disease.

Step 8:- Parvatasana (Exhale)

Mantra:- Om Marichaye Namaha

Tuck your toes underneath your body and without moving your hands or feet bring the hips up. Push the heels towards the floor. You are now in an inverted V.

Benefits:- Hand and shoulder muscles become stronger. It increase mental balance power.

Step 9:- Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Inhale)

Mantra:- Om Adityaya Namaha

Bring your right foot forward between the hands in line with your fingers and toes. Drop your left knee to the ground and stretch up.

Benefits:- it strengthens buttocks and shoulders. It helps to eliminate throat disease.

Step 10 :-Padhastasana  ( Exhale)

 Mantra:- Om Savitre Namaha

Bring your left foot forward, next to the right foot. Bring the forehead towards the knees. Fingers and toes are in a straight line.

Benefits:- Develops blood circulation to the head.

Step 11:-Hastauttasana (Inhale)

Mantra:- Om Arkaya Namaha

Stand up. Stretch your arms up and back.

Benefits:- Increases balance power. The liver, pancreas and intestines become stronger.

Step 12:- Pranamasana (Exhale)

Mantra:- Om Bhaskaraya Namaha

Bring your arms forwards and down. Repeat with the other leg.

Benefits:- Helps in self  reliance,  soul awakening and personal development.