definition of YOG: Theology is same as a
yogvidhya. In Bhagavad Gita shree Krishna has explained the importance of yog. सा विद्या या विमुक्तये . That means the
knowledge which gives us salvation that is called true knowledge. योगः
कौशलम्. Complete focus and dedication to
action without any attachment to the ensuing results is the real key to living
a fulfilling life as a true Karma Yogi. This is the core message which Lord
Krishna has conveyed to Arjuna while explaining Karma Yoga in BhagvadGita.
Definition of yog
The re-connection of soul and god that is called yog and the word yog
comes from Sanskrit word yuj.
Importance of yog
Yog is a combination
of mantra, meditation, prayer, asana and
pranayam .With continuous practice of asanas keep the body physically fit
. Pranayam, mantra , meditation and peayer keep mentally strong.
· Enhance inner
· Keeps body disease free and healthy
· Reduce
stress by creating positive strengthen
· Removes
greed, illusion, proud
· Make polite, obedient and prudent.
· Gives
satisfaction to mind. It keeps person supportive, loving, caring, calm, happy
and patience.